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FM: China supports int'l peace conference on Ukraine crisis

2024-06-03 19:14:04 [politics] Source:Global Grandstand news portal

China supports holding an international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine in due course, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday at a news conference during the second session of the 14th National People's Congress.

The conference should ensure the participation of all parties and fair discussions on all peace plans, he said.

"All conflicts have to end at the negotiating table. The earlier the talks start, the sooner peace will arrive," Wang said, noting that all of China's efforts point to the goal of paving the way for ending the conflict and starting peace talks.

Wang stressed that past experience shows that a conflict, when prolonged, tends to deteriorate and escalate, even to the extent unthinkable for parties concerned.

Misperception and miscalculation will accumulate and may lead to an even bigger crisis if peace talks are absent, he said.

"Lessons in this regard should not be forgotten," Wang said.

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